Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Watch this, tape that

Here's what I'm watching tonight. You should too!

8:00 p.m.
Watch this - America's Next Top Model (CW)
Tape that - So You Think You Can Dance (Fox). It's still in the audition phase.
I'm also hearing good things about "The National Parks" special (PBS), but I haven't seen it.

9:00 p.m.
Watch this - Criminal Minds (CBS) or Law & Order: SVU (NBC). Neither show is available online, so catch it now or wait until the season goes into repeats.
Tape that - Glee (Fox). It's much better on playback so you can rewind it as many times as you like. And trust me, you will like.
See it online - Modern Family (ABC). It's funny, but you can watch it later.

10:00 p.m.
Watch this - CSI: NY (CBS). Top Chef is a repeat tonight, otherwise I'd see it online.
Tape that - Real World/Road Rule Challenge (MTV). It's juvenile and outdated, but I still love it.


  1. Real World/Road Rules Challenge? Really, Resa?

    "The Real World! Get Real!"

  2. Jeph! Not the time, nor the place. I'll deal with you over the phone.


Tell it like it is!